which ingredients do I choose for my recipe?
curly rice noodles, juicy tomatoes in a wonderful multitude of red to black colour tones, "brilliant" eggplant, crispy Pak-Choi, hairy quince, intense smelling grapefruit and oranges, olive oil, coco-drinks, rose-water, kitschy but beautiful chinaware/porcelain, eatable dahlia flowers, onion, turnip, Jasmin incense sticks, sweet paprika, lime, garlic, golden kiwi, -and..shrink wrapped herbes as there were no fresh ones available ...
Can you imagine the "wild chive" in bloom, slightly swinging, blowing in the wind, warmed by the sun, pouring out an enormous smell, kissed by butterflies and bees?
Or cultured under foil, dead right from the beginning, only as a product for the throwaway society?
How do we act towards food and nature? How conscious do we see things? And how mindfull and emotional aware are we?
Right here is the trigger for choosing such a collection theme.
In "formulA." we exceptionally included one fabric with metal threads as a subject of the matter - a conscious decission to underline the topic.
It sparkles and shines so nice, charming and sedutive so that we felt a bit like
"The Thieving Magpie“.
Model: Sarah
Fotos: Peter Wolff (